Major Ramaswamy Parameshwaran

As part of Indo-Sri lanka accord of 1987, the Mahar regiment including Major Ramaswamy Parameshwaran was sent to Sri Lanka to quell militant activities on that island.

On 25th November the Major, when returning to base camp with his unit froma search operation, was ambushed by a militant group. The major sent some of his men to yhe rear of the enemy position and took the militant by surprise. in the Hand to hand struggle that followed, he was shot in chest. Undaunted, he snatshed a rifle away from a fallen militant and shot his attacker dead. Till his last breath, he remained in the thick of battle, a figure of inspiration to his men. Not only was the ambush repulsed, but five militants and some more arms were also captured.

Major Parameshwaran was postumously honoured with the Param Vir chakra for his valiant sacrifice and courage.