The Brigadier's Sacrifice
Brigadier Rajendra Singh

In October1947, Pakistan supported raiders were pressing towards Srinagar. Brigadier Rajendra Singh on receiving a message for help from Camp Domel set out for Srinagar with two platoons and a mortar detachment. They were heavily outnumbered by the enemy who engaged them at Garhi. The Brigadier fell back and re-organized his forces. In a fierce confrontation that followed the Brigadier was struck on his right arm by a burst of machine gun fire. Realizing that his evacuation would hold up and even jeopardize his men's safety he ordered them to proceed without him.

The Brigadier's body was never recovered as he probably fell into enemy hands. But his act of sacrifice inspired his men to hold up the enemy advance for three days, thereby ensuring the safety of Srinagar.

Brigadier Rajendra Singh was honoured by the Nation with the Mahavir Chakra.