Major Sher Pratap Singh Shrikent.

Major Sher Pratap Singh Shrikent. Major Shrikent was Adjutant of battalion of Gorkha rifles deployed in NEFA during the 1962 war with China.Early on october 20,the Chinese began shelling the area & this was followed by an infantry attack. This first attack was bravely repulsed as was a second attack. However a third attack found the Gorkhas Heavely outnumbered and the Chinese surrounded the battalion headquarters. Major Shrikent rushed to their help but he found his own party soon hemmed in by the chinese. The situation became desperate as the supply of ammunition began running out. When all seemed lost, Major Shrikent grabbed a sten gun and charged into the enemy ranks inflicting heavy casualities. He succeeded in getting his men out of the enemy encirclement. The Mahavir Chakra was awarded to major Shrikent for his leadership and courage in 1962