The Unstoppable Chuna Ram
Havildar Chuna Ram

In June 1948 a company of 2 Rajputana Rifles was ordered to dislodge the enemy from the hills overlooking the Rajouri-Thana Mandi road, in Kashmir.

Havildar Chuna Ram, commander of the reserve platoon of the company was asked to silence the guns on the spur. The havildar moved up with two sections of his platoon. When they neared the objective the enemy lobbed hand grenades at them , but that could not stop Chuna Ram. He charged the enemy post with a sten gun. He killed two and wounded three enemy soldiers and silenced the guns. Then bleeding profusely from his wounds ,fell down, the life ebbing from his body.

Havildar Chuna Ram was awarded Mahavir Chakra for gallantry and leadership of a very high order, posthumously. his gallantry.