Hero of Garibpur
Lt.Col.Rajkumar Singh

As battle raged on the eastern front during the 1971 war, the Pakistanis secured the vital town of Chaugacha. the Punjab Regiment under the command of Lt. Col. Raj Kumar Singh was deployued to secure Garibpur, a village lying in enemy territory beyond Chaugacha, to destroy communication lkinks between Chaugacha and Jessore.

Despite a thick log hampering the operations, the Indians soon advanced to a position south to the village. The Pakistanis rushed to intercept them with a tank squadron and two infantry battalions and were soon within 20 metres of the Indian positions.

Lt. Col. Singh repulsed the Pakistani attack and took Garibpur. Two more attacks followed as the Pakistanis were determined to recapture Garibpur. But the Lt. Col's astute leadership was an inspiration to his men. Despite the heavy loss of lives, the Indians requested the Pakistani onslaught and held on Garibpur.

for his outstanding leadership, Lt. Col. Singh was awarded the Mahavir Chakra.