Kesh Bakhru
Engineer of the year

Introduction :
He is basically from the city Nagpur, and is presently settled in San Diego.

Milestone :
His awards and distinctions include fellowship of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), a regional professional leadership award by IEEE-USA and a president's certificate and gold medal for technical achievements in Cubic. KESH Bakhru, who has the distinction of developing India's first computer and Cubic's video compression technology has been named as the 'Engineer of the year' by San Diego Engineer's Society.

Review of life :
Bakhru, who moved to New York City in 1960, developed the first computer in India in 1955 for the research branch of the Atomic Energy Commission(AEC). Later, he joined the Cubic where he developed joint STARS data link, CODEC technology and others. Presently(Year 2000), he is holding the post of senior staff scientists of Cubic, he is working to develop a code division multiple access system for wireless networks using frequency hopping technology.


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