Dr. Sharadkumar Dicksheet

Dr.Sharad Kumar Dicksheet, an India-born US citizen has performed over 45,000 plastic surgeries in the past four decades.
Visiting India every year since 1968, he spends a hectic five months holding free plastic surgery camps for poorer sections of the people. He has held camps for Mumbai for 10 years performing 30 surgeries every day for three weeks. Nine years ago, Dr.Dicksheet formed a $1.5 million trust with his life insurance for which he pays $45,000 a year. He formed the 'India Project' with the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation and nearly 16 plastic surgeons from America have been flying in for two-week stints at the camps at their own expense every year. The camps are spread over 30 towns, most of them in Maharashtra.
But Dr.Dicksheet met with an accident in 1978 which left his right side paralysed confining him to a wheelchair. Four years later, he lost his voice box to cancer when his larynx and neck muscles were removed. He spoke through a battery operated device initially, then learnt oesophageal speech. And 1988 and 1994 saw two major heart attacks. Yet, the spirit overcomes all.... He was nominated twice by the US for the Nobel prize in 1998 and 1999. 

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